Mia was still in a bit of a grumpy mood this morning and admitted that she wished she had made it a better Father’s Day yesterday. Me too!
She was a bit clingy at kindy drop off and her teacher asked if she was okay. I relayed her naughty antics this weekend (but left out the poo part!) and apparently it is common for them to start playing up when they are about to transition to school, which she is in a few months.
Got home from a long day at work and Ian asked what was for dinner straight away and I realised I hadn’t got anything ready out of the freezer so he started harping on about how I needed to be more considerate around the house! He knows how to push my buttons and vice versa! I was tired and grumpy and he was his usual GH self and is trying to cut down on smoking so was even grumpier than usual, which meant it was ON! We had a good shout at each other about things we can’t change and know will get on the other’s nerves, including Ian moaning that we hadn’t gone out for dinner yesterday – is he for real?! (If you don’t know what I’m referring to, I was the one pushing to go out and he didn’t want to!) Mia came in and shouted “Stop arguing!” which brought us to our senses. We both know we shouldn’t argue in front of her but we are irritating each other so much at the moment! I took myself off to clean the bathroom and basically avoid him for as long as possible!😡😒
After dinner, I Skyped my friend in England as we had already pre-arranged it and Ian burst in halfway through, accusing me of sitting chatting to my mates when there was a house to clean! “Bad time?!” she asked. Hmm, not sure when is a good time at present! Then when Mia had gone to bed, ding ding, it was round 2! It got pretty savage with the insults and apparently he’s now not going to provide the sperm for our unconceived baby! He better bloody had! Harrumph!😤
First up Chiropractor, no better way to start the day than getting prodded and cracked!😳
Went home and started millions of housework tasks (being the below par housewife that I am!) followed by tutoring. Dropped Mia off at gymnastics, then went to the dentist again as apparently I grind my teeth (are you surprised that my mouth doesn’t even stop moving in my sleep?! Didn’t think so!) Had that awful putty stuff shoved in my mouth which makes you want to gag and reminded me off getting braces fitted when I was a teenager! Then back home for more cleaning ready for the inspection tomorrow!
Ian has replaced the smoking habit with drinking and had had a couple already. He said he wanted to go to the bottle shop to get one more, but I asked why he really needed another and said “Will you be alright to drive?!” Mia said “No more drinks, Daddy!” I swear he thinks I’m grooming her to be my right-hand nag! Well, turns out he should have listened…
I was getting Mia ready for bed and thinking he’d been a while when I got a phone call asking if I could come and get him…from the police station!😳
He’d been pulled over for a random breath test (just his luck!) and had blown over. He had just finished one so usually they let you wait 15 mins and try again, but it turned out his licence had expired! He hadn’t had a reminder in the post (which happened last year too incidentally!🙄) and would never remember on his own! So they took him down the station where thankfully he blew under, but he’s now got to go to court and will most probably get a hefty fine! Great news!🙄
We were all up early. Mia had kindy, I had work and Ian had taken the day off for the house inspection so was last minute cleaning! He was a little ray of sunshine this morning! (Yes, of course that’s sarcasm!)
He was in an even worse mood later on as Mia was apparently telling everyone at Kindy today what had happened!😳🙈
When Ian went to collect her, she said “Are you out of jail, Daddy?!”😳 How embarrassing?!?!
Then she told me that she had told her teacher that her Daddy was drunk and the police took him away!!!!!😳
I messaged my friend who works there to say that if she hears anyone talking about it, to tell them the full story! I’m not going to be able to set foot in there again!😬
Ian usually wakes me up before he leaves, but he’s still grumpy with me so left without saying bye. Which meant I slept in until 7:30am when Mia came in and jumped on me! Normally I would celebrate this, but today was “fertility clinic in Brisbane” day so we were supposed to be up and at ’em earlier than usual! Got ready as quickly as possible and on the road. It’s around a 1hr45 drive. Arrived approx 5 minutes late but not bad all things considered.
I have been seeing Professor Yazdani at Eve Health who is quite a character, but very personable and understanding, which I feel I need at this point. He’s not a sugarcoater though, which I appreciate and I’m aware that this is my last shot and the chance of it working out is low. Mia plonked herself down however and declared that she wanted a baby sister! He said he would try his best!😬
Went to get scanned, which Mia thought was hilarious because she could see my privates and kept giggling away!😳The follicle on my left ovary was still visible so I went to get all my supplies to start injections and was then shown how to inject myself. I’m sure I won’t be able to remember but apparently there are even YouTube tutorials so I should be fine! Before I start he wants to check on my thyroid levels again however, so will have to get that test done in Toowoomba tomorrow and start Monday if all is well! Fingers crossed!🤞
On the way out of the waiting room, I said that I needed to go to the toilet and Mia exclaimed “I don’t want to see your vagina again, Mummy!” In front of everyone! Really?!😱 This girl is sent to embarrass the life out of me! There were a few stifled chuckles from the people waiting and while we were waiting to go in, she had been showing me pictures of men in a magazine and asking which one I wanted to be my new husband?! So I’m thinking the whole waiting room probably thinks I’m some golddigging slore right now!🙈 As long as she doesn’t tell all at kindy again, we’re okay!😬🤞
I needed to get some of Mia’s energy out before the drive back, so took her to Roma Street Parklands. I paid for parking (last time I was here with my Dad we got a fine, so had learnt our lesson!) and was planning on having lunch and then a quick play as we had to be back in Toowoomba for Mia’s dance class at 4pm. However she was so excited I let her play first. It was so nice to spend some quality time together, although I did get bitten by something which made my ring finger swell up which meant I couldn’t take my rings off and they completely cut in to my finger!😕
We ran out of time to get lunch so I said we could go to McDonald’s in Laidley on the way back as she’d been such a good girl all day. However, by the time we got there she was sparked out catching flies! I tried waking her but she was dead to the world. We went through the drivethru and carried on and when she finally woke up, she wolfed it down! This meant she got a really bad tummy ache and cried for most of the rest of the journey!🙄🙉
I had to make an emergency petrol stop when I realised my petrol light was on and had been driving on 0km left of petrol according to the dash for at least 20km!😬
It would have been a real rush anyway, but Mia’s tum ruled out dancing tonight. She played the victim and got me to snuggle up with her on the couch, only to declare half an hour later that she was all better now and wanted to dance!🙄I think that’s what you call indigestion!
Today we had the fire brigade booked in for a visit to playgroup so I was pretty excited because last year this happened:
We were really busy as we had advertised their visit on Facebook and then we got the dreaded call…they’d been called out to a car accident on the highway. I am well aware that this is their actual job, so we shouldn’t complain, but there were lots of disappointed faces nonetheless.😕Straight after playgroup I had to go for my thyroid blood test. I now have to call up on Monday to check everything is okay, ready to start injections on Monday.😬
We have lots of birthdays coming up, so I took Mia shopping to help pick the kids’ presents. We also got some chocolate for Ian, seeing as we had savagely devoured his Father’s Day chocolate last night. In our defence, he had left it out on the kitchen bench which was an open invitation for ants, so we were protecting the chocolate…in our tummies!🙊
I had a request from a friend to see if I had any adult fairy tale dress-up costumes to go to a school function. I told her I had a witch costume which I’m not sure she was envisaging but she said yes. As it transpires, I have two witch outfits: one kids size 8 (I think I remember squeezing into it for a Halloween party back in the day!) and the other was a “sexy witch” outfit which I’m not sure was appropriate, but I put it in the bag anyway so she can make her own choice!😬
I got home and started getting ready for a girls’ night out with two of my Mum friends. Ian tagged me out as he was just getting back from Friday drinks with his workmates. My friend had arrived early so I hadn’t had chance to dry my hair properly, so just whacked it back in a ponytail. Still, definitely looking more glam than my usual Friday nights at home! Had a bit of a wild goose chase arriving to pick up our other friend from her Mum’s house, but it turned out she was at hers! It was a bitterly cold night and the wind whipped through us as we walked approximately 20m from the car to the restaurant. I’d worn trousers (mainly because of my milk bottle legs) but I was glad to have them to faintly protect me from the elements!😫
We went to a new Thai restaurant called Chong co and the food was really nice. Even treated myself to a cocktail!🍹
After that we went to Fitzy’s and parked in their underground car park. We were so busy gas-bagging we nursed one more drink the entire time! Hardly party animals but both ladies had kids birthday parties to organise this weekend (I only had to attend!!)
We got out of there to find the underground car park all locked up (pic) so had a mad panic and then had to dash back and ask security for help. Luckily it was easily fixable and we escaped!😅
Got home at 11:45pm and remembered I still had to do my Steptember steps so frantically marched and jogged on the spot flailing my arms to get maximum steps before midnight! The things we do!🙄 I was still around 1000 steps short so will have to hammer it tomorrow!
Was up mega early for parkrun. Mia had promised me yesterday that she really wanted to do it, but there were still tears when I woke her up and I debated jacking it all in, but I was dressed and ready and I needed steps for Steptember, so I bundled her into the car and gave her a pep talk! They were dressing in purple and raising money for epilepsy today and there were lots of colourful wigs and cross dressing going on. This meant there were lots of distractions, so she wasn’t thinking how far her little legs were going! The first lap was okay and she was pretty motivated and had a little “Just keep going” mantra going on that she kept singing, which was pretty cute! It’s always the dreaded second lap that is her nemesis though and we had a few more tears, walked most of it and came in last. However, she got a big cheer and a huge bunch of balloons from the decorations given to her (“gee, thanks so much, I LOVE balloons taking up half my living room!” ran through my head, but mustn’t be ungrateful!) so she ended up happy!
Went to the Parkhouse café for breakfast with the usual gang afterwards. This is always Mia’s main bribe to get around the Parkrun course and she had ordered waffles with chocolate sauce and ice cream. We arrived around 8am and at 9:10am we were still waiting for our food! I think I’m an unlucky charm as every time I go the wait is crazy, but apparently the order is straight out when I’m not there!🙄 This weekend was party central and our first one was at 10am so I bit the bullet and had to ask for a takeaway asap!
By the time we had driven home, eaten, showered, got party ready and wrapped the presents, we were very late and turned up to find we had missed the Happy Birthday cake singing which is Mia’s favourite part! Doh! We still got a piece and they showed me pics of what it had looked like though!😬
The party was at a park and Mia managed to locate one of her little kindy friends so spent most of her time playing with her and not the kids at the party!😐
Our second party was going on at exactly the same time as the first one, but I explained that we were double booked and they told us to come along after anyway, which we did, but, you guessed it! We missed the cake again!🙈I’m sure Mia thinks I’m doing this on purpose! But I can’t help that we have no parties for a few weeks and then 4 come along on the same weekend!
Mia had a great time and after a 5k run, a party in the park and a party in a big backyard with a trampoline, she was pooped and actually got an early night for the first time in ages! I crashed out too, but Ian stayed up late watching films, which I knew he would regret in the morning.
Guess who was overtired this morning?! Told you so!🙄
Today’s parties also overlapped slightly, but we could comfortably do both. First up was one of Mia’s friend’s 4 year old birthday party. There was a mix of ages as there is an older sibling and Mia is in between the two. Somebody dared to call Mia one of the “little kids” however, which was like a dagger to her little heart and meant we had a diva strop on our hands within the first 20 minutes!🙈 I called her over and threatened to make her leave if she didn’t change her face but she sat with a face like thunder for the first half of the party (like father, like daughter!) and finally lightened up towards the end and refused to leave! Standard polarising behaviour!😫
Next up was a 30th birthday party. Mia took great delight in chasing the chickens round and picking them up again, although she got over excited and pulled one by the tail and tried to trap it in a bowl, so we had to put an end to that game pretty quickly! I told her off and asked her to imagine how she would feel if a giant was running after her and grabbing her by the tail and before she could even answer I knew what the response would be: “I don’t have a tail!”🙄
Next she shot the birthday girl at point blank range with a nerf gun which led to a bollocking which was certainly warranted!😐
Ian came to pick us up and I managed to talk him into a takeaway from Noodle Box to round off the weekend nicely. I even had enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow! I’d had a few pimms at the second party and had got the taste so had a couple of drinks to wind down as well. Cheers to a hectic weekend!🥂😴
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