Lip has erupted and is now huge and scabby! Attractive! Went to work feeling very self conscious and apologised to everyone I saw, which probably drew more attention to it than needed!?
Went to collect Mia’s school enrolment pack during my lunch hour and then spent the evening form filling. There was an absolutely ridiculous amount of paperwork – plus they want signatures from a 5 year old! Rest assured, her name was printed!
Went to the chiropractor and he was trying to relieve my cold sores/mahoosive lip by pressing up into my gum, which was so painful I thought my eye was going to pop out! I imagine I looked like one of those stress ball things! Suddenly there was a huge release of pressure in my head and I immediately felt much better. It feels like a weird kind of magic when they do things like that!?
My tutoring lady was back this afternoon for the first time in 10 weeks. She’s been house-sitting for family in NZ. It’s ridiculous how quickly that 10 weeks have gone and I would like to say that I achieved so much in the time she’s been away, but that would be a lie. I’m barely surviving life at the minute!
Dropped our enrolment forms off at Mia’s prospective school. Due to humongous lip, I was hoping to drop it and run, but of course ended up talking to the deputy principal, as reception staff were training! Typical! ?
Had to drive to Brisbane to finally attend our fertility clinic appointment. Ian was grumpy – surprise!? He had to come too to allegedly sign paperwork, but I don’t know if the doctor forgot or what happened, but he didn’t sign anything or really do anything at all, which led to more grumbles on the way home about why he had actually had to go in the first place! Had a scan while there and there was a follicle on my left ovary, which got us excited as we thought it was on my right last time…but turns out we were wrong. Ah well, a follicle’s a follicle! Have arranged to start injections at the beginning of September as he wants to make sure I am definitely back to full strength! Apparently he will know by how I respond to the first round whether it is worth continuing!???
Ate a kebab at the services on the way home! Whoops! (That makes it sound like a mistake, as if I tripped and a greasy kebab just happened to fall into my mouth! That wasn’t the case. I purposely ordered something unhealthy, despite healthier options being available. I am a terrible, greedy, swayed-by-junk-food person.)
Mia sneezed practically the whole way home and was looking very sick again! Please not another round of flu/virus/winter bug/basically a shedload of more snot!?
Another early morning argument about who stays home with Mia!?. I just love waking up and the very first thing you do is have an argument. It really starts your day off on the right foot!?
Ian left, so it would have had to be me by default, except she got up very excited about international day at kindy! She wanted to be a Spanish flamenco dancer but refused to wear the skirt to look like the emoji ?so just looked fairly normal, but with added castanets!
I think she’s still scarred from last year’s French moustache handiwork if I’m honest!?
I felt so drained at work, I feel like I may never have energy again! Had to lock up on my own too as everyone left early, which was a bit scary! The centre is in an old factory and there are far too many ghost stories about the place for my liking! I scooted around closing windows, locking doors and switching lights off and then sprinted to my car at full pelt!?
Despite getting through yesterday on adrenalin, Mia is full of cold again. Luckily (not for her!) Mia’s ballet teacher had the flu, so she cancelled on us rather than vice versa for a change!
I went for my therapy session and Mia said she wanted a turn first and told Yvette she wants to live in England!!! Um, we’ve emigrated?! No going back now! Apparently “her body wants to be there!” Well, her body will have to wait a couple of years for us to save up for tickets then! She’s also having a few issues with boys getting a bit rough at kindy playing superheroes and Yvette thinks she’s picking up relationship models from us and gravitating towards that kind of a relationship! Oh lord! Screwing her up for life!?
I went for the best massage in the evening! (Adorabella Beauty – plugging you here!☺). It was a lady that I met through playgroup (I tell you, you can meet all kind of useful people at playgroup) and she literally has magic hands. I’m not one for the wishy washy massages, I like them to get stuck into my knots and tonight was popping central! I might have made a few inappropriate noises, so apologised in case she thought I was weird! I dare say she’s heard it all before though!
I got home and checked my e-mails and had an influx of students cancelling on their training course tomorrow! That peed me off, so I sent a strongly worded e-mail which did nothing to change the situation, but made me feel slightly better!
Playgroup in the morning, followed by lunch with a friend and her kids. We almost got swooped by birds a couple of times, which reminded me that it’s almost magpie season. In England magpies are quite sweet and regarded as a lucky charm. In Australia they look like they are on steroids and during nesting season they are vicious, evil, not-so-little shits! I had to find this out the hard way when we had just moved over here and one relentlessly tried to take my head off whilst I was pushing Mia in her pushchair. I felt like I was in an Alfred Hitchcock movie flailing my arms about, while Mia watched me with a bewildered look on her face. The worst part is apparently they only go for certain people, so I must just have a “please come and peck my eyes out!” kind of look about me!
I had been planning to collect my goody bag from volunteering at the Baby and Toddler expo for a while and I finally went today. You got a free nursing bra with it and I was tempted to change it to my size, but thought that might be tempting fate, so stuck with donating it to my friend who is actually pregnant. Other than the bra though, it was a pretty disappointing goody bag! Loads of vouchers where you have to spend $500 to validate the money off voucher and some had already expired!?
Got home to the news that Ian had dropped his (recently replaced) phone out of a tree and it had smashed to bits! This is now the second phone he has managed to destroy in two months! The man is a liability! We’ll just have to hold out hope that the lady who contacted us regarding his first phone posts that soggy one back soon!
Finally got round to calling HMRC about the tax debacle. I had put off calling them all week due to tiredness/social engagements so we had promised that we would do it together tonight. Ian tried to pull the “I’ve drunk too many beers” card and I lost my shit! I incessantly nagged him into coming to do it because he had promised and unfortunately our raised voices woke Mia up!?. I just wanted Ian to do what he said he was going to do! I don’t want to be sorting tax out on a Friday night either! I conveyed the entire story to a guy on the phone who listened to the whole thing without commenting and then said “I can’t help you with that, sorry!” and gave me another number to call! Couldn’t he have just interrupted me?!?! When I finally got through to the correct department, the guy said he would post the correct forms out to Australia for us, so we will see what can go wrong this time!
I was waiting for an apology from Oscar the Grouch, but I would probably be waiting all year I reckon! I did manage to guilt trip Ian into taking Mia swimming though, so I didn’t have to for once! I arranged for swimming lessons on a Saturday so that Ian could take her and 9.5 times out of 10 it’s still me!
We finally went out for our anniversary dinner on our 3rd attempt! It was very nice, if a little pricey! Would love to just enjoy something without worrying about the cost for once!
After dinner, I looked at Mia and she was flipping the bird at me! I angrily told her off and was all ready to investigate who had taught her that, but it turned out she was telling me she couldn’t straighten her finger and had no idea why I was so angry!??
We decided to get dessert to take home afterwards and we were all waiting at the counter. Mia was pretending to be a monster and eat me and because I was wearing heels she was at crotch level “Nom nom nom, I’m eating your vagina!” she exclaimed in a very loud voice!?Good lord! Whose kid is this?!
Ian had worked all day and was wiped out, so he went to bed and I stayed up on my own like the saddo I am! Cheers to an anniversary night for one!?
Today was Toowoomba Languages and Cultures festival. I was meant to be volunteering for the Cedar Centre stall but we were already fully manned, so Mia and I took the opportunity to see what else was going on. We were absolutely inundated with freebies! Having a kid with you really helps! The only downside was having to cart it around everywhere.
I had a bit of an embarrassing moment when I was on the phone to Ian and suddenly realised that the whole place had gone quiet. They were only having a minute’s silence!?I really wish someone had just elbowed me in the ribs rather than look at me disapprovingly!
After a freezing start, it heated up pretty quickly and annoyingly Mia had left her sunglasses in the car, so complained constantly about the sun in her eyes!
A Japanese lady helped Mia make a kite and said that she had had an only daughter too and ended up showing me pictures, which was random but quite sweet! I think she could see herself in us. We continued our healthy eating hiatus by having twisted chips for lunch! Can’t we just class it as a vegetable?!
On our way out, Mia rode a camel once around a fairly small circle and was happy – so that’s off her bucket list!
We went for a quick drink for our friend’s birthday and then met another friend at the golf club. What happened to lazy Sundays?! She reminded me it is kindy photos tomorrow! Good job she did or I would have sent Mia looking like her regular street urchin self! “No good clothes for kindy” is my mantra, following the annihilation of most of her decent clothes. Painting herself as well as the paper or bringing half of the sandpit home in her shoes being two of her signature moves!?
Thanks for reading! Talk to you next week!
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