Monday :
The usual mad dash to kindy/work but actually had quite a steady day! I rang to get my thyroid test results and my levels are off again so they need me to up my dosage…again! They said I was fine to start my fertility injections tonight though.
Got home and asked Ian to help me the first time as I was a bit nervous/needed support from my partner! Ended up screaming at each other within seconds. Ian didn’t want to do the whole thing anyway apparently, but I’m not being a human pin cushion for nothing! I just want to feel like he’s there on this crazy journey with me and I’m not doing it all alone! I have erratic hormones anyway but his lack of interest brought me to tears. I feel like I’m nowhere near his priority at the moment, so brought up the fact that I’m still waiting for my anniversary present!!! Then he decided to make dinner because I would “take too long” and then when I asked for a hand changing Mia’s sheets as the dog had generously jumped on it with his muddy paws, I was “lazy”! I’m bloody grumpy that’s for sure! Grumpy husband vs grumpy wife standoff happening daily. This is perfect timing to coincide with our fertility treatment when we are supposed to be close and united, isn’t it?!😒
Busy day of appointments and chores: don’t feel like I had time to even stop and breathe! Acupuncture, bank, pharmacy for increased thyroid medication. At the bank Mia stood behind a cardboard cutout of a little boy, which was bigger than her,and started moving it, which totally freaked out a lady in the queue who clearly thought it had come to life!🙊
Then tutoring, then gymnastics. Mia has been trying to pass the same level for 3 terms and has got stuck on cartwheel! We have practised and done lots of pep talks and it has finally paid off because she did a perfect one today!😲 I don’t know whether it was a fluke or not, but if you’ve done it once, you can do it again. Right? I was the embarrassing Mum whooping on the sidelines, but I don’t care what people think. I sometimes think I’m more bothered about her achievements than she is though, although her little face was so happy and proud, I could have popped!
Was randomly speaking to a Mum at the end of gymnastics and she’s only from Nottingham as well! And her husband’s Aussie. And they moved over for a more relaxed, beach lifestyle. And they planned on living on the Sunshine Coast but ended up in Toowoomba. It was like looking in a mirror…of broken dreams!😭 They have plans to move to the coast one day, just like us…
Injecting was slightly less traumatic today but still let Ian do it as opposed to jabbing myself. I have been headachy all day, swollen breasts and randomly hot flushing, so the side effects seem a barrel of laughs!😒
Pilates was cancelled so cooked up a nice dinner and had a glass of wine to relax.🥂
Feeling really tired, not sure if it’s the side effects from the injections?
Mentioned at work that I’m going to the food and wine festival for my friend’s 30th on the weekend and my colleague said “I don’t think you’re meant to be drinking on those injections?!”
“No, the nurse said diet was the same.” I replied.
Colleague: “Yeah, diet, not alcohol!”
Me: “But alcohol IS part of my diet!”
E-mailed my doctor to check if I could have a couple of glasses of wine and he said no! Not a drop! I asked if Ian could and he said one standard drink a day only! Debated telling him about last night’s glass of wine but thought I would keep that one to myself! Whoops!😬That’s put paid to the food and wine festival then!😕
I swear the injections are getting more painful as we go along!😣
Went along to R U OK day at Toowoomba clubhouse as they are heavily involved with the Cedar Centre and because it’s a great cause too. Following a beautiful day yesterday, today was freezing cold with an awful bitter wind. We had signed up to do the walk and I was prepared for Mia to moan, but she was actually pretty good! It helped that she was the only kid so basically the unofficial mascot! She got spoilt rotten! Free curly wurly (most jealous about that!), bracelet, bandana, sweets…and also posing for everyone’s photos! She just loves being the centre of attention! The wind wreaked havoc with all the stalls, including the face painter as we had to go chasing all of her laminates, which scattered everywhere including in a huge hedge. Someone with longer arms than me had to rescue that one! Mia talked me into getting my face painted too, but seeing as I had tutoring that afternoon, I just went for a subtle flower!
Tutoring, then ballet dressed up (Mia, not me!), then a wonderful massage. I could have stayed on that heated massage bed all night!😴
Playgroup was at the park for the last one before the school holidays. The carnival of flowers started today and unfortunately we hadn’t thought about all the carnival traffic so it was really hard to get a parking space! There is nothing like driving around the block theee times to put you in a great mood for the day! Settled on parking at the shopping centre and then walked across as I was going there afterwards anyway!
Mia saw some of her ballet friends as well as playgroup ones, so was having a great time. I, on the other hand, felt like a zombie! I have been ridiculously tired the last few days! I’m not sure if it’s related to my fertility injections, or my thyroid issues again but I am really struggling in the mornings. My legs feel like lead and my head is so foggy. I could have fallen asleep on the grass I was so exhausted. We went to look at the flower displays and then said Mia could have 5 more minutes on the playground. Well, last time I had looked up, she was swinging from the monkey bars. I was chatting away to another Mum when I heard a scream and Mia was face down on the ground. Apparently she had fallen off and face planted the ground!🙀 When she had stopped crying, she said “I went splat!” which I thought was a good description! She had grazed her cheek and looked like she was going to get a shiner, but thankfully there were no broken bones!
We went for lunch with friends and their kids after the park and Mia proceeded to fall backwards off her chair! She’s not having the best day!
Today was my friend’s 30th celebrations and I didn’t go to the food & wine festival seeing as I couldn’t drink, but I did meet up with them at the Spotted Cow later on! Being the sober one sucks, especially as they’d been drinking for hours already! Everyone was really nice, but I’m clearly just one of those boring people who need a drink to socialise, so stayed until the dance floor moves were drunken enough and excused myself!
I had to get up extra early for parkrun as I was picking a friend up from the other side of town. Ian and Mia were still in bed so this was the first time I had actually run in months! And I couldn’t! I was wheezing and getting chest pains after the first lap so decided to walk the rest. It’s so frustrating because I’d just worked myself up to my fastest time of the year before the flu hit! Apparently I can do gentle exercise on my fertility medication, but perhaps jogging is too much!!
GH didn’t want to go to the carnival of flowers later because he basically hates people so we compromised and Ian took Mia to her swimming lesson and she only went and moved up a group again already! Typical that it’s when I’m not there again!🙄

Little Miss Mia on a roll with swimming at the moment…but frustratingly always performs better when I’m not there!🙄
In the afternoon Ian chauffeured us down to the parade for the carnival of flowers in Queens Park. We saw lots of our friends there randomly! There was a superheroes float and Mia went to meet the characters after and wanted photos with every single one, bar Batman! I don’t know what the difference was, but there was no way she was getting too close! I had brought no cash so tried to avoid the rip offs. Mia wanted a Shopkins showbag but they were $28! She also pointed out the fairground rides she wanted to go on. I said we could possibly come back tomorrow if she’s good!🙈
Sunday:Lazy morning. We have kind of fallen off the baby making train recently, so I was hoping to get us back on track but it looks like we’ve derailed! Puntastic or what?! I go back to the clinic tomorrow to see what is happening and then we might be full steam ahead (sorry!) Anyway, I was hoping that we could possibly steal some time together this morning but it didn’t happen so I’m feeling a bit unloved and very tired!
Mia was pretty good so I kept to our promise of taking her back to the carnival. We went to see the flower displays first, which really are excellent, and then down to Sideshow Alley where we met our friends. Mia and Elissa had asked to be dressed the same so were wearing matching Minnie Mouse dresses which was pretty cute!
She got her rip off show bag (of course she didn’t forget!🙄) and then had enough money left for two rides! She chose Inflatable balls on water which was hilarious to watch and then the pirate ship with a little slide in between!

The Shopkins showbag, ladies and gentleman! $28 for a load of tat! Unfortunately, that excited face meant I was forced to spend my money on one!🙈
Got a lift home with our friends and then ended up going straight back out again as Ian wanted to take us to see the fireworks. Grumpy about it obvs! Got a spot. Was supposed to start at 7:30 but hadn’t started at 7:35 so Ian drove off and of course that’s when they began!🙄 We quickly pulled over, with a slightly worse view, mind you! I didn’t think they were as good as last year but Mia was very happy and that’s all that really matters. We were very late home, so had “gourmet toasties” for tea! I know, we are so classy!
Talk to you next week!
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